12 February 2011

Why We Home Educate

When I was pregnant with my son I grew tired from the resistance about my desire to homebirth.  Family and friends questioned our decision for me to be a stay-at-home mom on my husband's small salary. Then people's eyebrows raised when I nursed my children longer than a year.  Little did I know that those things were only preparing me for the many conversations I would have about home educating.

Many times my heart is saddened after talking with other parents about our decision to not send our children to school.  Not sad for them, or for me, but sad because so many times we look at other people's choices as an indictment against what we have chosen for our families.  Our choice to educate our kids at home was very difficult decision to make.  Anyone who knows me personally can attest to this.  There were many insecurities, many prayer requests made, and many, many times of complete resistance to the responsibility of training young minds.

Ultimately, the Lord broke me over one thing.  My husband and I wanted our children's foundations to be built on the Word of God.  We believe Scripture to be infallible, and sufficient in all areas of life.  

Let me explain that last part a little bit.  The last few weeks we have spent memorizing and studying Psalm 23.  From Psalm 23 my children have learned about the Great Shepherd, shepherds' roles historically, sheep dogs, what it means to be a lamb of God, Jesus as the lamb, actual sheep, pastures, different bodies of water, and on and on I could go.  We also do phonics, a math program, many life skills, and Montessori activities.  However, I love that all of our curriculum is built on the Word.

My husband and I have said that each year we will pray about what the Lord has for each of our children the following school year.  We are not committed to our plans or our ideals, but what God is leading us to do as parents.  We strongly believe that God cares more about what our children learn than we do.

We also do not home educate out of fear.  Our children do not stay home with us, because we are scared people will make fun of their foil hats. ;) We continually ask the Lord to keep our hearts focused on what we are for rather than getting on a soapbox about what we are against.  

It is only by grace I get through the days as a teaching Mom.  There isn't a teacher bone in my body, but I have continually been met at every point of need by God and sometimes through people.  In obedience I started out on this journey, and it is by daily obedience we will get through one year at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you Niccole! Ethan is 4 but we've already started HWOT, Saxon Math (very very loosely...mainly because I don't plan ahead), Explode the Code phonics, and some other loose topics. His favorite being science. There are many days when I wonder if I'm ever going to be on top of my game especially after he turns that "school age" of 5 *gasp!* But, follow God we will and I am continually surprised at how much they learn just walking with me throughout the day. So much insecurity and vulnerability in ourselves will only ultimately bring glory to God. Funny how it works out that way, lol.
