31 January 2011

Tattered Cape

On any given day if you were to drop by my house you would find me running around in a t-shirt, jeans, and my hair back in a pony-tail. Dishes would be soaking in the sink, kids projects strewn across my kitchen counter, a quilt and couch pillows thrown on the floor by my toddler, and you would have to step over kids toys in the entry. It would not be long before my 6-year-old was showing you a Lego creation, my 4-year-old would ask you to pick him up, and my 2-year-old would have you convinced she was hungry an hour after breakfast.
On a good day, school starts at 8 a.m. after I have spent time reading my Bible, drinking my coffee, and a load of laundry has been started. A patient Mom would be sitting on the couch praying and starting our lessons in the children’s Bible. We would move on to the theme of the day, math, phonics, calendar, and classic literature. My kids would be following along and listening. Lunch and dinner would be plates loaded with healthy, balanced and “whole” foods. These are many of our days.
However, on a bad day 8 a.m. comes and goes and I am still in my pajamas. My kids are running through the house, and my husband is shushing them and handing out books. I am gathering materials, and trying to figure out where I placed my lesson plans. When we start 30 minutes late I am frazzled and the kids are wound up. A bad day usually involves many “steps” (time-outs), and Mommy losing her patience and yelling. Bad days mean hurried lunches, and dinners I put no thought into preparing or making. While these days provide plenty of opportunity for spontaneous prayer, and asking each other for forgiveness, they also humble me.
Friends ask what my days look like as a homeschooling Mom of three kids 6-years-old and under, and while I would love to say it is always a joy the truth is is that it is not. There are moments where I feel overwhelmed, and nights when I am discouraged. At times I wish my brain would shut off, and I could stop researching health and holistic living issues. The Lord is so good to me though. Not once has there been a time when I have gone to God in prayer and confessing my weakness that He has not taught and helped me.
I am not “Wonder Woman” nor am I “Super Mom.” Like many of you, I am a young woman raising three kids, and trying to figure out how to honor God in what He has called me to do. As I blog, and get to know you, I hope to both share with you the things on my heart, what I have learned, mistakes I have made and how I manage my home. ”Medley31” is not just about me and my journey though – I want to know you. My prayer over this blog is that this is a place of encouragement, sharpening, and learning.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope we have more time together.

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